What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a cosmetic tattooing treatment (medical hair tattooing).

We use a micro needle to place pigment into the skin to create tiny hair follicles that give the appearance of a shaven head look (buzz cut).

SMP is also a good solution to camouflage thinning hair, creating a denser look.

Is the treatment painful?

Everyone is different, the needle does not penetrate the skin as much as a normal tattoo and therefore some people experience no pain at all while others have said they felt a little uncomfortable around the temple area and gave the pain threshold a 2 out of 5 in this area. Some clients have said they actually enjoy the feeling. Others have said it can feel a little itchy.

We do take as many breaks as needed and if you prefer you can take paracetamol before your visit. No ibuprofen or Aspirin as these can thin the blood or increase bleeding.

There is minimal to no bleeding in most clients.

Can SMP work for facial stubble?

Yes SMP can create a stubble effect beard or moustache and can also camouflage any facial hair gaps.

Is it like a normal Tattoo?

No not at all, you have to be specially trained to carry out SMP as the needle does not penetrate as deep.

Also, the pigments used for SMP are specially designed for the scalp, meaning they will not turn blue or green.

Treatment time

We carry out most treatments in 3 sessions.

2nd session is carried out 10 days after the 1st.

Final session is carried out 4 weeks after the 2nd allowing enough time for us to see how the pigment has settled.

Each treatment time can range from 1-4 hours depending on how much area needs treatment. For Alopecia customers this time may increase.

Plenty of breaks will be offered throughout the treatment and you will be offered drinks and snacks.

Will Scalp Micropigmentation damage existing hair?

No in actual fact it can sometimes stimulate growth.

Will my head be red?

Yes initially your head may become red however, we use an antiseptic soothing numbing spray which helps take any redness down.

Redness can go within a few hours to a few days, everyone is different but usually it goes within a day.

How long will it last?

Results can last anywhere between 2-5 years depending on lifestyle, your immune system and how well you care for your scalp.

Top ups

Top ups can be carried out as often as required, usually between 1 and 2 years just to keep your hair looking perfect. These sessions can take between 1-2 hours and are charged at £100 per hour.